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Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Teen And Abuse

If we talk and discuss about the promiscuity, to be sure, we will deal with older children because many of the victims were teenagers remaja.Masa for all people and also in my opinion is the most beautiful period or that period as well berseri.Di process of self berlangsung.Dan someone in the process that many teenagers are trapped in the free association of not knowing the impact bad for her free sendiri.Pergaulan among teens has now reached the point of concern is very high or quite severe, especially casual sex and drug use Illicit drugs.

          It is therefore not surprising that the number of people living with HIV / AIDS and women especially among adolescents / children outside school nikah.Hal pregnant is in because now they are so easy to enter special places people dewasa.Bahkan now the culprit is not only students and high school students only, but has spread to the junior high school children.
And at this point a lot of people who commit heinous acts and not humane to cover his disgrace, by doing aborsi.Padahal they know abortion is very dangerous for her own health and safety as fisik.Bahkan not only on her own health, but also a very great impact to the mental state of someone who had an abortion tersebut.Namun order to cover the shame he caused his own, he willingly risked his own life. Therefore if not solved immediately, due to the promiscuity would have negative impacts and effects that are bad for the times.
Beginning of a teenager trapped in promiscuity is wrong sociable and easily influenced by his friends that this teen benar.Kebanyakan not want to say in praise and in slang by his friends without thinking about the impact and consequences of any associate berkelanjutan.Maksud is not mean we have to choose selectively associate, we may just get along with anyone as long as we do not easily influenced and still adhere to religious norms and legal norms in force, because the slang does not have to have sex freely, not to use illegal drugs, and all the things that violate hukum.Oleh therefore we as teenagers have to get used to thinking long ahead before doing something, especially that we do not know the impact of good and bad for ourselves, family and other people.
Below I have some opinion the main factors that cause and the beginning of a teenager fall into promiscuity, namely:

    Factors religion and faith factor, this factor is something that comes from within ourselves. If the lack of knowledge and lack of religious faith is embedded in us, it will be very easy to the demons that exist in the self or mind we encourage to do the negative things that are very contrary to religion and the law apply.However if it has knowledge of religion and strong faith, insha allah we will not easily terpegaruh and lapsed into things negatfi automatic tersebut.Karena we will immediately think of the impact of what would happen in the future or at a later date.
    Environmental factors such as parents, friends and neighbors, yes in this factor slightly older children who do not fall into promiscuity in because there are problems in the family or which they call the broken home.Dan the cause that is too often the case because lapsed or influenced by his friend in order to get praise or want to say "slang".

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